I didn’t always see the value in being frugal — despite the fact that I used to be a banker, I was never really taught about money management. I came from a background where my parents made all sorts of sacrifices to see me get ahead in life — even at cost to themselves and […]
Saving money starts by re-thinking the way you live your life. Here are some tips and tricks to save money in ALL areas of your life: TRANSPORTATION Buying A Car: Cars are a HUGE waste of money. They lose value the second you buy one, but sometimes you just NEED to have one. When buying […]
So I was sitting around my house about 20 minutes thinking, “damn, I wish I had a nice cold pop to wash down this pizza (which I had heated up for lunch)”. Then it hit me, I did! I completely forgot about the SodaStream machine that I had been given to try last week after […]