How To Go On The World’s Cheapest Road Trip

TBEX is on this weekend in Toronto, which is the world’s biggest conference for travel writers and bloggers. While I don’t really consider myself a travel blogger, I really LOVE to travel and want to figure out a way to do more and incorporate it into my blogs. And if you are gonna travel, might […]

How To Get From Toronto To Montreal Cheap

One of my favourite cities to visit that is relatively close to Toronto is Montreal. With the rising prices in gas it is becoming quite costly to drive there, especially if you are travelling alone or with 1 other person. During my trip there last weekend I decided to do some investigation into the cheapest […]

Cheap Travel Tips for Canadians

With March break right around the corner you might be looking to take a trip to “escape” (probably not the best choice of word considering the winter we’ve had here in Toronto) the winter blues. Before you go rushing out to your local travel agent (sorry, but they have the worst prices from my experience […]

Where I’ve Been

This section might take a little longer for me to get going on than the other sections so to give you a little introduction about why I added this section I thought I would make a list of all of the places I have travelled to here. NORTH AMERICA Canada: Sometimes I feel like we […]