Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day (or Valentine’s Week as it is quickly becoming in my home) is here to stay. While some people want to hate on it because it is a commercial holiday, it is also a reminder to take a break from our busy lives and spend some time with the one that is most important to us.

If you are like 95% of people out there, right now you are currently scrambling trying to figure just what you are going to do with your special someone this Valentine’s Day. Since I don’t know you or your significant other (unless that’s you Mom and Dad), it is always difficult to say what kind of things are best for you specifically, but here is a broad list of what I think are pretty awesome ideas so hopefully this helps you narrow things down:

Valentine's Day Choosing You


Hit the Slopes – Find a mountain, or hill if you are in Toronto like me, and spend the day there. Don’t know how to ski or snowboard? Learn together!

Climb Some Rocks – If your weather is great, and you can do it outdoors, go rock climbing. If you are currently getting pillaged by a polar vortex find a gym nearby that offers rock climbing.

Get Away – Find a place that is under 2 hours away, pack the car and spend a night in a hotel. Bring some bubbles and rose petals if you really want to show off your Don Juan skills.

Take a Hike – No matter where you are in the world, there are going to be some hiking trails nearby. Bundle up if it is cold, stop for hot chocolate, bring the dogs and make a day of it!

Throw KnivesKnife throwing is the latest activity to hit Toronto, and what better way to bond then over flying dangerous objects.



Ping Pong – My very first date with my fiance involved ping pong. It is a great way to work up a sweat and have lots of fun at the same time.

Bowling For Dollars – Well maybe there are no dollars involved, but a friendly non-monetary wager could make a round of bowling really interesting. Make the wager something like loser cooks dinner and gives the other a massage.

Darts – I purchased darts around 3 years ago thinking my now fiance and I would go out and use them somewhere, but it never really happened until just a few months ago. We finally went to a bar with some dart boards and had an awesome night!

Skating – Start the night off by freezing your butts off on a pad of ice, then find a way to warm up together after.

Board Game Night – Bust out some of those classic board games and like bowling, add a friendly wager here and there.



Hit The Gym – If you both love working out, why not go together and try some activities you don’t usually do at the gym. Sign up for one of those classes you’ve always wanted to do.

Shine Up Your Dancing Shoes – Either hit up a club and get your dance on, or find a local dance class or organized dance and either learn something new, or just have fun! Also, purchase Just Dance for your Wii or other gaming system and dance where literally nobody is watching.

Namaste – Take a yoga class together to limber up for some post yoga activities.


EXPLORE YOUR CITY (or a big one nearby if you live in the burbs)

Night at the Museum – You don’t really have to wait til the night to visit the museum, but if you haven’t been for years it is always fun to see what science has been up to while you’ve been gone.

Become An Art Snob – Whether you visit galleries, or head to your local art museum, go check out some art that you love.

Watch Some Live Music – Concert tickets might be too last minute but there are plenty of awesome bands playing watering holes all over the city. Just google live music in your city and something should come up.

Grab Your Cameras And Hit The Streets – If you don’t own a camera, chances are you have one on your cell phone. Head out together and explore the city and try to get the best shots. Pic the top 2 from each of you and frame them.

Aquarium! – We just got an aquarium in Toronto a few years ago and I still am ashamed to say I haven’t been. But I WANT TO.

Head To The Movies – Head to an early show and try to sneak into as many movies after as possible.

Karaoke – Every city should have at least one karaoke venue, and if you life in one of the bigger cities you can head to Koreatown and rent a room in one of the karaoke bars. Budget alternative: Many smart TVs, or video game systems have karaoke games that you can play from the comfort of your home.



Try a Restaurant You’ve Always Wanted To Try – Make a list of all the places you both really want to try, and GO TRY THEM!

Cook Together – Either hit the market and buy some awesome stuff to prepare at home or take a cooking class together and learn to make something you’ve never made before.

Bar/Restaurant Hop – Map out a bunch of places you want to try and go to each but only have one item at each. Sharing is caring, so by splitting items you will get to try a bunch of different places!

Host A Wine Tasting – You can either do this with other couples, or do on your own, but buy a bunch of different wines, a bunch of cheeses and appetizers and try as many different wines as you can. This also works for beer if wine isn’t your thing.

Go To A Brewery – Head to somewhere that booze is made and learn how they make it. There are plenty of small breweries, wineries or distilleries out there that do tours.



Re-Create Your First Date – Take a walk down memory lane and try to retrace the steps from the first time you met, or on your first date.

XXX Store – Hit up a sex shop and go in with $25-$50 each. Each pick out something without the other person knowing and then head home and have some fun.

Kama Sutra – You’ve seen the book on your aunt’s bookshelf, but now it’s time to get one of your own. See how many positions you can master.

Visit a Burlesque Show – Google should be able to direct you to one near you. I’ve never been to one, but hear they are fun!

Light the Fire – If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace at home, fire that baby up. If not, find somewhere with one, sit close to the fire, and just enjoy each other’s company.


Hopefully this list gives you some ideas on what to do with your lover this Valentine’s Day. If not think about what you love, or have never done but always wanted to do and just do something. After all, it doesn’t really matter what you are doing if you are doing it with the person you love.


If this list just made you throw up in your mouth a little and you are single and looking to mingle, there are plenty of anti-valentine’s day type events all over and loads of singles events if you’d like to meet someone. Also, some online dating sites like e-harmony are doing free weekends over Valentine’s weekend so take advantage.